Yay to the German Healthcare System

After I received the invoice for V’s and my visit to the emergency room a few days ago (all the doctors we called told us to go to the ER because [as a tourist] she doesn’t have a US health care plan), I don’t want to hear anyone complaining about the German healthcare system and its amazing coverage for everything anymore:

$&nbsp;243.13 Lab C.<br />$&nbsp;684.58 Lab B. &#038; M.<br />$&nbsp;286.63 Lab U.<br />$1182.63 Emergency Room

<strong>$2396.97 TOTAL</strong>

The payment is due in a few days. I really hope that our German Auslandskrankenversicherung we contracted years ago (and luckily never had to use so far) covers most of it.

Oh, and I should mention that you get a huuuuge (really!) discount if you pay cash within a few weeks. I think the hospital doesn’t expect anyone without a health insurance plan to have that much money on their bank account and being able to pay the bill right away. Neither do I.


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